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Vieux 12/04/2008, 17h45
Avatar de filipe.fmle
Date d'inscription : novembre 2007
Messages : 13
filipe.fmle est déconnecté
Salut Lefreut, I congratulations it by the new version of TT. In fact the program is noticeably better, with greater agility, with the best experience more options ... : D
For now updated my Skin favorite for the TT 0.9:

However, I would like to report some errors I found:
> The click-and-drag of improved windows, but the windows still dismantled.
> When closing any application (such as file skin.ini), the windows are still being shown, even with the text closed.
> The TT also performed illegal operation and was closed by the system.

The question is: will be updated as versions of 0.9.1, 0.9.2 to fix the bugs ....???

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Vieux 12/04/2008, 18h45
Avatar de Lefreut
Date d'inscription : août 2003
Messages : 5 816
Lefreut est déconnecté
Envoyé par filipe.fmle Voir le message
> When closing any application (such as file skin.ini), the windows are still being shown, even with the text closed.
I don't have this problem.

Envoyé par filipe.fmle Voir le message
> The TT also performed illegal operation and was closed by the system.
Nor this one.

Maybe an incompatibility with another program. I can't fix the problem if you don't give me more details.

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