Discussion: TrueTransparency v1.4.1
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Vieux 12/06/2010, 20h45
Avatar de Lefreut
Team CustomXP.net
Date d'inscription : août 2003
Messages : 5 816
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Envoyé par nilanko Voir le message
The title bar text looks so ugly without smoothing :(
The earlier versions has that smoothing, so they were better but what about the the versions 1.4 and 1.4.1? Ugly non-smoothed text in the caption bar...
Can you modify your tool Mr.Lefreut?

Please, this is my humble request to you...
You can edit the skin.ini file of your theme and change 'GlowMethod=New' into 'GlowMethod=Old' (if there is no 'GlowMethod' line, add it below '[CAPTION]').

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