Discussion: TrueTransparency v1.3
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Vieux 25/02/2010, 11h35
Date d'inscription : septembre 2009
Messages : 25
rhahgleuhargh est déconnecté
Envoyé par fire_rabbit Voir le message
I thought the softwares like Office2007/2010 & PowerDVD should have NOT use TT theme. I add any to the Excluded List on so long as it use it's own theme rather than that the XP provided to. I think there is not need to test them.
I don't agree with you. Since it's not important for Office applications to be skinned, Aero shake and Aerosnap are very convenient when you have to work on multiple versions of documents. it would be nice to have only the ability to exclude the program for the skin but keep these other features. And I'm not sure it's possible to make cohabit TT and Aerosnap/shake softwares. I'll try, but I prefer to keep TT.
For PowerDVD, PouchinTVMod and ACDSee, no matters since these programs are destinated for fullscreen view, but there was no bug with previous version of TT (1.0).

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