Discussion: TrueTransparency v1
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Vieux 26/04/2009, 13h09
Date d'inscription : octobre 2007
Messages : 8
p3pp8 est déconnecté
Hello Lefreut, i've made a lib able to blur a specific screen area, are you interested in trying it?
If yes pleez contact me first answering with a private message, i've not been able to do it with you because of some web error got from this site, unfortunately i've no more time to develop my skinning app and i'd like to give out my lib to make TT the best skinning app ever, the lib is really easy to use, just include it in your app with the accompanying .h and pass a hWnd, the Rect you need to get blurred and a number of blur iteration to the method responsible to operate the blur, that would be fantastic to have TT blurring like vista, the lib uses the DirectX drivers to do a multipass render to texture to blur the area in a really fast and easy way even if your hardware does not have a high capability, if you want, we can talk together and i can share what i've discovered so far, like another way to skin windows without removing borders from style.

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