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Messages créés par: ilmarchez
19/05/2007, 21h55
Réponses: 0
Affichages: 8 579
Aviation/pilot png
Envoyé par ilmarchez
Aviation/pilot png

Hi to everybody! First of all I'd like to thank you for the great work you're doing, your PNGs are simply fantastic!

I noticed that there are very few of PNGs about Aviation/aircrafts/Pilot, and...

10/08/2006, 13h45
Réponses: 0
Affichages: 1 648
Aircraft signs... Good idea?
Envoyé par ilmarchez
Aircraft signs... Good idea?

Hi, I've noticed in all the gallery there are no aircraft signs, like seat belts fasten-unfasten, no smoking, exits, extinguishers, and all those signs that we find during every flight, on board or...

Navigation rapide

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