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Messages créés par: alcyone
Forum: Actualité
19/09/2008, 18h02
Réponses: 189
Affichages: 248 411
TrueTransparency 0.9.4
Envoyé par alcyone
If you set Firefox to full screen mode (pressing...

If you set Firefox to full screen mode (pressing F11), TT stays on top and covers the menu bar. Window borders should disappear when a program is in full screen mode.

Forum: Actualité
29/06/2008, 10h29
Réponses: 189
Affichages: 248 411
TrueTransparency 0.9.4
Envoyé par alcyone

NIce program, and it's great that's it's steadily developed.

I have some some questions:

* Is there a special reason why even the maximized windows must have an actual frame around them (even...

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