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Messages créés par: TENware
01/12/2010, 20h31
Réponses: 0
Affichages: 5 540
Upload TrueTransparency Skins
Envoyé par TENware
Upload TrueTransparency Skins

Hello all,

I would like to upload some TrueTransparency skin files, but I do not know how this is done. Could someone please explain the process?

Thank you (in adavance)

Please forgive...

18/11/2010, 14h40
Réponses: 3
Affichages: 6 143
TT Ver 1.4.1 Blur
Envoyé par TENware
TT Ver 1.4.1 Blur

Two problems encountered with TrueTransparency Version 1.4.1 when using the blur effect (Blur=Yes). 1. The title/caption area and frames/borders of windows beneath the active window are transparent...

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