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tomilipin 07/01/2006 18h28

[eng] Png Factory button for blogs
I have my blog and I have used some PNGs from your site. Now, I would like to credit your site for all those awesom PNGs with small button.
Examples of buttons I'm using:

It would be great if some of you make a button for Png Factory. I will use it for sure! Dimensions are: width= 80px, height= 15px

Of course, I can make it on my own but problem is that I can't draw, I have got only MS Paint and I have no idea about creating graphics :-p

So please someone, make a button.

[I don't know french so if you want to tell me something, please write in english]

custols 07/01/2006 22h49


check on with topics
it's not the one you want, but it's a first step....the second one is waiting for a creator .
dont forgot to give us the adress of your site..

hey, i found a better one, more on your size

ulluss 07/01/2006 23h10

You can use the generator. Here

tomilipin 08/01/2006 16h48

Oh, thanks! I have used the generator, it's great :) Although I don't know french I managed with it; great script! But it's as simple as creating button in MS Paint so buttons are nothing extraoridinary. I will figure out something with that ;-)


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