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Lefreut 02/12/2009 08h11


Change "GlowMethod" from "New" to "Old" in the two skin.ini files of the skin.

Kubaant 02/12/2009 10h34


Envoyé par Lefreut (Message 158624)

Change "GlowMethod" from "New" to "Old" in the two skin.ini files of the skin.

THX ! It Work ! so, i have another question: how to remove in maximize window left right and bottom bar ?

clupman 29/12/2009 15h44

Merci pour ce thème qui est vraiment extraordinaire.
J'ai un petit souci avec File maker Pro9 : lorsque TT est activé, je n'ai plus mes menus déroulants dans FM9.J'ai testé plusieurs fois, car il me semblait difficile d’imaginer le lien de cause à effet…mais oui, lorsque je ferme TT mes menus déroulants dans l’application sont à nouveau présents !
Est-il possible d'éditer soi-même la liste d'exclusion de TT?
D’avance merci pour votre réponse et aussi pour votre travail fantastique que vous n’hésitez pas à partager.

rhahgleuhargh 29/12/2009 17h01


Envoyé par clupman (Message 158969)
Merci pour ce thème qui est vraiment extraordinaire.
J'ai un petit souci avec File maker Pro9 : lorsque TT est activé, je n'ai plus mes menus déroulants dans FM9.J'ai testé plusieurs fois, car il me semblait difficile d’imaginer le lien de cause à effet…mais oui, lorsque je ferme TT mes menus déroulants dans l’application sont à nouveau présents !
Est-il possible d'éditer soi-même la liste d'exclusion de TT?
D’avance merci pour votre réponse et aussi pour votre travail fantastique que vous n’hésitez pas à partager.

Oui, tu peux éditer la liste des programmes à exclure. Eteins TT d'abord.
Ouvre avec le bloc notes windows le fichier "exclude.dat" situé dans le répertoire où tu as installé TT, et ajoute à la fin de la liste sur une nouvelle ligne le nom de l'exécutable de ton programme (tu devrais obtenir un truc comme n="FM9.exe"). Enregistre la modification, et redémarre TT.

clupman 29/12/2009 17h32


Envoyé par rhahgleuhargh (Message 158973)
Oui, tu peux éditer la liste des programmes à exclure. Eteins TT d'abord.
Ouvre avec le bloc notes windows le fichier "exclude.dat" situé dans le répertoire où tu as installé TT, et ajoute à la fin de la liste sur une nouvelle ligne le nom de l'exécutable de ton programme (tu devrais obtenir un truc comme n="FM9.exe"). Enregistre la modification, et redémarre TT.

Merci pour le "coup de main" .
Maintenant, je peux continuer à profiter de TT en travaillant avec FM9.
Merci beaucoup.
(PS.: n="FileMaker Pro.exe")

fire_rabbit 15/01/2010 03h38

I'm a C++ coder and i want to know whether the TT would be updated some day since the releasing of the windows 7.
I may suggest you something about the TT' developing: One is about the moving of a window. The TT seems using MoveWindow or SetWindowPos to move the 'cliented'-main window when user drag the title of the window by mouse. however it shows asynchronized moving. I suggest you to use BeginDeferWindowPos-DeferWindowPos-EndDeferWindowPos instead of other APIs to moving glass-rectangle and its clipped main window. Although it may let you write more code in there. But, because the glass-rectangle must be moved by DeferWindowPos not by system directly in this method, the mouse-click-and-drag must also be emulated by loging the mouse-clicked coordinate => set mouse capture => move => release capture when a WM_RBUTTONUP was recieved.
The other is ... All right, i forgot now, i will tell you later if i remembered.

fire_rabbit 15/01/2010 04h16

The other thing is, when used the Asian languaged XP (like Chinese ver.), The title-text on the window's title-bar could be draw corrupted if the title string contains the local-language characters. I don't know how this bug comes out. I guess that you have used the GDI api to draw text string to a per-pixel-alpha bitmap(trsnf from PNG). Most of them do not check the null-terminating character for ending string, they always use the legth you provided to as the real length of the string. so you guys passed incorrected value as the length, caused more characters after a null-terminating character also being painted out.

Lefreut 15/01/2010 09h27



Envoyé par fire_rabbit (Message 159223)
I'm a C++ coder and i want to know whether the TT would be updated some day since the releasing of the windows 7.
I may suggest you something about the TT' developing: One is about the moving of a window. The TT seems using MoveWindow or SetWindowPos to move the 'cliented'-main window when user drag the title of the window by mouse. however it shows asynchronized moving. I suggest you to use BeginDeferWindowPos-DeferWindowPos-EndDeferWindowPos instead of other APIs to moving glass-rectangle and its clipped main window. Although it may let you write more code in there. But, because the glass-rectangle must be moved by DeferWindowPos not by system directly in this method, the mouse-click-and-drag must also be emulated by loging the mouse-clicked coordinate => set mouse capture => move => release capture when a WM_RBUTTONUP was recieved.
The other is ... All right, i forgot now, i will tell you later if i remembered.

I already use DeferWindowPos ;-)


Envoyé par fire_rabbit (Message 159224)
The other thing is, when used the Asian languaged XP (like Chinese ver.), The title-text on the window's title-bar could be draw corrupted if the title string contains the local-language characters. I don't know how this bug comes out. I guess that you have used the GDI api to draw text string to a per-pixel-alpha bitmap(trsnf from PNG). Most of them do not check the null-terminating character for ending string, they always use the legth you provided to as the real length of the string. so you guys passed incorrected value as the length, caused more characters after a null-terminating character also being painted out.

I don't know how to reproduce this bug because I only have French and English XP. If you have an idea, I can try to fix this bug.

bones 17/01/2010 19h27

I am just wondering how in the world to get my true true transparency to work for xp

Lefreut 17/01/2010 20h03


Envoyé par bones (Message 159257)
I am just wondering how in the world to get my true true transparency to work for xp

If you don't explain your problem, I can't help you ;-)

fire_rabbit 19/01/2010 02h18

Your site can't be uploaded pictures...
Many of asian language string contains two or more bytes per character in multi-byte character set, but always keeps ONE word per character in Unicode character set. The details about how to pass the title characters aren't known by me but i'm sure that one more character after the null-terminating character be painted out(as a little rectangle) each the original string contains one chinese character. I suggested that u call _tcslen to get the final length of the string to draw anyway (which can always be right).
A new thing i like to tell you is that the TT serves the applications' names by obtaining their title-strings for Exclude Manager. Unfortunately the same application may take different title string during the initializing of the main-window (For example, the Spy++ that is brought by VisualStudio Team System). One of the solution is storing the applications' path rather than their window-name (But keeping the Exclude Manager unchanged looked like).

Lefreut 21/01/2010 20h48


Envoyé par fire_rabbit (Message 159300)
A new thing i like to tell you is that the TT serves the applications' names by obtaining their title-strings for Exclude Manager. Unfortunately the same application may take different title string during the initializing of the main-window (For example, the Spy++ that is brought by VisualStudio Team System). One of the solution is storing the applications' path rather than their window-name (But keeping the Exclude Manager unchanged looked like).

Exclude Manager does not use title string. The exclusion is based on the exe name. The problem is that exclusion added by the Exclude Manager use both exe name and class name. You can manually edit the exclude.dat (or in include.dat) to add an exclude that work with only the exe name (or only the class name).

rhahgleuhargh 22/01/2010 18h07

bug firefox 3.6
Un petit bug à signaler entre TT 1.3 et la nouvelle mouture de Firefox, la 3.6 : le programme n'est pas skinné, malgré redémarrage de TT après l'installation de Firefox. Cela fonctionnait parfaitement avec Firefox 3.5.7.:-(
Des idées ?:??: (eh oui, quand on y goute, on ne peut plus se passer de TT...)
Merci d'avance !

EDIT : bug vérifié sur mes 3 ordinateurs (XP SP3)...

fire_rabbit 23/01/2010 13h29

Got it. So i can delete the ' c="anything" ' to reject the applications anyway. Thanks!

Something i found may be treated as a bug or not. I noticed that only the title be blured by TT. The bottom and left & right of the window keeps no blured effect. I like to activate all sides with blur. Is it lower the performance too mush? I hope not.

When a window stay beyond anothers, It seems that any layered windows will be cut by blured title when they appeared 'under' it. I also hope that way is just for keeping the machine running fast and taking memory not so mush but not a bug of TT.

adilupul 24/01/2010 09h41

Can you help me please?
I have waited a long time for TT to support x64 windows, but it adds transparent borders only to 64 applications. the 32 applications remain with the xp theme border.
For example windows explorer 64 bit has transparent border while mozilla 32 bit does not. it also does not appear in the exclude manager window

adilupul 24/01/2010 09h44

Or if i can't make 32bit applications get the border then how could i run TT v1.3 and 1.2 at the same time?

migmeil 24/01/2010 18h54

As rhahgleuhargh says anyone has any solution for firefox 3.6 and that TT does not work in firefox skin, I tried to edit the include.dat but still I can not work as play, greetings and if anyone has the answer to me can answer, my mail is

fire_rabbit 27/01/2010 01h56


Envoyé par migmeil (Message 159453)
As rhahgleuhargh says anyone has any solution for firefox 3.6 and that TT does not work in firefox skin, I tried to edit the include.dat but still I can not work as play, greetings and if anyone has the answer to me can answer, my mail is

The 32-bits applications are not working natively when running in a 64-bits windows OS, It is a little hard to access their resource from the other process(application), at least differ to a 64-bits application.

When a 32-bits app works on a 32-bits OS, it is managed by OS directly, just like a 64bits app working on 64bits OS. However, If a 32-bits app works on a 64-bits OS, it is managed by wow32. the wow32 is a 64-bits process that deserves all the essential translations between 64-bit OS and 32-bit process. If the TT can hack into a 32-bit window(under 64-bits OS), it must pass through wow at least.

adilupul 31/01/2010 08h10

I know. that's why i'm trying to run both x64 and x32 true transparency at the same time.
I managed to do this one time and it was great. but after reboot won'n work anymore.

fire_rabbit 04/02/2010 05h46

Will the TT be updated in 2010? I still wait for the new version of this shiny stuff.

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