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Bring Aero to your XP desktop
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What is True Transparency ?
TrueTransparency is a free application that allows you to replace your windows's borders by skins composed with transparent images. With skins highly configurable, a one-click skin selector, a low memory usage and without installation process, change the look and feel of your windows GUI has never been so easy. Bring Vista transparency to your XP desktop with TrueTransparency.
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What's new ?
Using 24bits png files with alpha channel, True Transparency let you experiment the Aero style of windows Vista, with full transparent borders and specific font display for the windows title. all the windows elements can be configured independently and positioned where you want.
True Transparency respects the normal behavior of your windows, with skins states in accordance with the Windows XP focus features. Specific apps that don't exploit visual style can be excluded from TT scope. Unlike, you can specify apps to skin only.
Buttons are skinned too, and support up to 3 different states: normal, mouseover and pressed. Borderless skins can be defined easily to emulate specific GUI like Leopard. True Transparency is released with 10 language files.
New: TrueTransparency now provide Aero Shack and AeroSnap features !
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